Sunday, January 28, 2007

It's been a long time

Wow, August 2004 was the last time I've posted here. I guess it's time to get off my butt and start posting again.

What to start with...

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Passchendaele: The Untold Story

An account of the 1917 battles around Passchendaele, aka the Third Battle of Ypres. The major focus is of the British viewpoint, and where the blame for the battle being allowed to continue after it was clear that it was turning into another Somme like slogging match. The typical WW-I western front story of trench warfare in all of it's horror. To add to it much of the later stages of the battle took place in wet weather. With the ground in this part of Flanders being already low laying and the drainage being destroyed by all the shelling, it turned most of the battle field into a quagmire.

An intresting book if you already know some of the background of the battle and the Western front. I would look elsewhere if you want a first read on the subject.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Some older books

From my old page...

Dictionary of the Napoleonic Wars by David G. Chandler
Susposed to be a quick reference of all the stuff you need to know about this period. I found some mistakes in the text, plus it seems very biased. There is a very pro-British tone to some of the entries. I'm glad I picked this one up cheap in a discount book store.

The Military Experience in the Age of Reason by Christopher Duffy I bought this one at the same time as the disapointing dictionary above. This is a much better work. It covers the orginization and makeup of european armies during the 1700's with a concertration around mid century. Basicaly up to the French revolution. It goes through the officers, private solders, and some of the support structure. Tries to give an account of what battle was like back then. I liked this one.

When Titans Clashed by David M. Glantz, Jonathan M. House
I decided to re-read this one. A good coverage of the Soviet vs. German conflict. Also includes some coverage of the Soviet-Finnish war and the Soviet operations against Japan in August 1945. Typical Glantz, with very careful research and tons of notes in the back. About the whole back third of the book is charts, notes, and a biliblography. An top notch introduction to the conflict, written from the Soviet viewpoint. I good one if you are looking for something to warm up to Erickson's two massive books about the war in the east.

Here In America's Test Kitchen by Cook's Illustrated
This is another cookbook from the test kitchen. I happen to like the show and I like the recipes. Typical cook book. Some of the stuff in there is very yummy!